Angelo J. Moultair

Board Member Profile

Angelo J. Moultair

Founder / Chairman / CEO

Angelo Moultair is a veteran in the corporate sector with over 20-plus years of professional experience. As a banker and award-winning manager, he helped a variety of Fortune 500 companies blossom generously. He has a proven track record of providing results that not only set the bar but surpass it. On the way to his achievements, he also assisted hundreds of employees to attain well-earned promotions.
However, he didn’t stop there. He wanted to help other businesses and aspiring professionals. It was a no-brainer when he became a certified business coach, but founding No Limit Coaching was his prized accomplishment.
As a certified business coach, he teaches goal setting, time management, sales, team building, small business basics, and over 100 other soft business skills to soon-to-be & current business owners/professionals. He offers online workshops, e-Learning, and when it’s safe, in-person coaching. Increasing the accessibility of these resources is his primary goal, but there’s a mission at hand. Angelo’s sole mission is to help his clients avoid some of the pitfalls of being professionally unprepared.
Even though his professional journey was going well, it wasn’t paved with gold. Growing up in the City of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia, PA), he’s no stranger to an underserved community lacking resources and opportunities. This gave him the desire to make sure other children in these same communities have access to quality programs, safe activities, and education on a healthy lifestyle.
Yet 10 years ago, he would have a vision that would turn into reality. By bringing the Axum Leadership Institute into fruition, he could finally give underprivileged children what wasn’t available to him… access to the tools to be your best self.
Having a Bachelor’s of Science in both Business Management and Computer Information Science from Lock Haven University is great, but he loves being a father to his daughter more. Behind it all, he’s a man who enjoys the thrill of snowboarding, the empowerment of a good inspirational book, and the zen of yoga.
Or perhaps it’s the joy of sailing that truly defines him. The capability to keep a boat under precise control regardless of the external forces threatening to steer you wrong or not at all is the road he walked every day. Yet he lifted his head high to watch for any shift in the wind and adjusted accordingly.
His journey isn’t over yet! He plans to prepare many children, businesses, and professionals for the same journey along the way. Proving how a rough start doesn’t have to dictate your life.